Saturday, May 2, 2009


Sooo my roommate has been telling me about this massage school she wants to go to.. I havent been paying attention bc I'm so set on nursing school. Then I sit her down and ask her about it and I kinda wanna do it. I'm not sure how much it's going to be though. I just know even with how the economy is, the pay rate hasn't gone down bc these rich muthafuckas still got money. The school is six months long, while on the other hand, I'm still taking pre-reqs for the nursing program. =/ Also, with this six month program, I can make it up to Pittsburgh quicker. There's always gonna be money in massage therapy especially down south. I wish I could make a career out of talking about sex. Lol. I'd make it out there. Bc that is something I will ALWAYS be interested in! =X Anyway. I gotta talk to the parentals tomorrow so I can see how this is gonna go, I know I'm gonna need their money! I'm still gonna go back to nursing, no doubt, I just need to make money, NOW!
Advice. Please?

New sex blog. =X
clickkyy here.


--Miami said...

do it! cuz with my line of work, ill be booking you every other week!